News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

REAL exhibits at the Organics 2024 Annual Conference

Posted: 5 April, 2024. Written by REAL

The Organics Annual Conference, organised by the Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA), is focused on composting, anaerobic digestion, and recycling organic materials to land.

At this event, REAL took the opportunity to exhibit the work undertaken by our organic materials recycling schemes and share our recent plastics report to raise awareness about the findings.

Our Research Hub Manager, Megan Muller-Girard, also presented on a Research Hub-commissioned project entitled ‘Developing a carbon accounting methodology for compost and digestate under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’. This presentation outlined the project scope and key outcomes, and explained how industry will benefit from using the project methodology to calculate and report their carbon footprint. Scheme participants can receive this guidance on carbon accounting and reporting for free by emailing  

Presentations were also delivered by Dr Nicola Buckland from Sheffield University on applying a behaviour change approach in relation to composting compostables and from Dr Robin Szmidt of Target Renewables on the learnings from a project in Finland on dry AD and IVC composting. Additionally, Trewin Restorick presented on Sizzle’s ‘Enrich the Earth’ campaign with research around peat alternatives, which the Compost Certification Scheme (CCS) is interested in.

Head of the Organic Materials Certification Scheme (OMCS), Georgia Phetmanh, commenting on the event said:

“This conference provided a great opportunity for our schemes, the Compost Certification Scheme (CCS), Biofertiliser Certification Scheme (BCS), the Research Hub, and Compostable Materials Certification Scheme (CMCS), to exhibit and demonstrate the work we are doing in assuring quality digestate, compost, and compostable materials, and supporting the sector. We also took the opportunity to share with attendees the positive findings presented in our plastics report, as well as our annual report.  We look forward to continuing our participation in such conferences to promote quality and circularity.”

 REAL was one of the sponsors of the REA Organics Conference which took place on 21 March 2024 at Chesford Grange, Kenilworth.