Why BCS?

The benefits of producing Biofertiliser

Fulfil conditions in local authority tenders

Many local authorities require their biodegradable waste treatment contractors to produce Biofertiliser. Such certification enables the input tonnage to the anaerobic digestion process to count towards recycling targets, comply with tender requirements or improve tender scores by producing certified digestate and applying for certification.

Effective quality management system

Certified Biofertiliser signifies that the digestate was produced using an effective quality management system. This provides an assurance that the materials have a consistent quality and are safe and reliable to use.

Reduced costs

Producing Biofertiliser means that there’s no longer a need for costly waste regulatory controls on its storage after dispatch and use. Biofertiliser can be spread straight to land, avoiding costly & time consuming spreading deployments or registration of exemptions.

You may also be interested to see this graph comparing the cost of digestate certification and deployment under waste management regulations.

Marketing the products

The Biofertiliser status helps producers to promote the material, as it ensures that the product:

  • is made of approved inputs from specified sources
  • complies with, at least, the minimum quality criteria specified in PAS 110
  • is recognised in professional market
  • is consistently safe and reliable