News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

Tendering for the provision of certification services under the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

Posted: 17 July, 2020. Written by Molly Rogers

REAL is seeking to appoint a number of certifying bodies (number not specified) to run REAL’s Biofertiliser Certification Scheme on its behalf.

REAL aims to provide the industry’s leading independent digestate certification scheme ensuring it is robust, efficient, and effective. These requirements are necessary to provide reassurance that certified digestate is safe for end users and the environment. The selected certification bodies will provide certification services on behalf of REAL, in compliance with the most recent issued version of the REAL Biofertiliser Certification Scheme Rules. 

The Tender Invitation Document, which sets out the scope of work that Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd (REAL) wishes to commission, can be found below.

If you wish to tender for this work, you should send one electronic copy of your tender submission to Molly Rogers using

The deadline for the receipt of tender submissions is Friday 28th August 2020.

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