News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

  • BCS Update September 2024

    Update from BCSBCS Number and Certification Codes Guidance Minimum sample quantities for testing Provision of site contact detailsRead more about these topics here...

    Posted: 30 September, 2024
    Category: General

  • BCS Update August 2024

    Update from BCSReminder: Annual Participant SurveyUpcoming events2023 Annual reportRead more about these topics here...

    Posted: 30 August, 2024
    Category: General

  • 2023 Annual Report

    REAL has published its seventh annual report for the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme, providing an overview of the scheme and summary of scheme developments in 2023. The report shows that that by the end of 2023, there were 106 certified composting processes in the UK: 78 in England, 7 in Northern Ireland, 13 in Scotland, and 8 in Wales...

    Posted: 13 August, 2024
    Category: General

  • BCS July 2024 Newsletter

    REAL have issued our bi-annual newsletter for the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme that covers topics including; Forum and TAC updates, working groups, and research hub updates...

    Posted: 18 July, 2024
    Category: General

  • REAL exhibits at the Organics 2024 Annual Conference

    The Organics Annual Conference, organised by the Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA), is focused on composting, anaerobic digestion, and recycling organic materials to land.At this event, REAL took the opportunity to exhibit the work undertaken by our organic materials recycling schemes and share our recent plastics report to raise awareness about the findings...

    Posted: 5 April, 2024
    Category: News Item

  • BCS Update March 2024

    Latest Updates From BCSCertification Code ReminderOperators' ForumRecent BCS Sampling Guidance WebinarRead more about these topics here...

    Posted: 28 March, 2024
    Category: General

  • BCS hosts first webinar on sampling for operators

    The Biofertiliser Certification Scheme (BCS) held the first Sampling Guidance Webinar for operators earlier this month. The webinar focused on the PAS 110 liquid digestate sampling requirements and guidance. The webinar provided a platform for discussion between REAL and operators using interactive webinar features such as Q&A, polls, and other feedback mechanisms...

    Posted: 27 March, 2024
    Category: News Item

  • Announcing a new Independent Laboratory Auditor

    We are pleased to announce that through an open tender process, we have appointed SJB Quality Consulting Ltd (SJBQC) to carry out independent audits to check the CCS and BCS Approved Laboratories’ conformance with their Terms and Conditions.The audits will be led by Simon Blackhurst who has extensive auditing, in-house laboratory, and scheme test method application experience...

    Posted: 19 February, 2024
    Category: General

  • Blog post: Shaping a Responsible Future - The Journey of the Responsible Sourcing Scheme

     What is the Responsible Sourcing Scheme for Growing Media?The Responsible Sourcing Scheme (RSS) for growing media is an industry-led scheme that encourages the consumer to make informed decisions about the environmental impact of the growing media products (Multipurpose Compost for example) that they are purchasing and using...

    Posted: 30 January, 2024
    Category: Blog

  • BCS Update January 2024

    Latest updates from BCS:Upcoming EventsREAL Plastics ReportRe-issued Documents...

    Posted: 29 January, 2024
    Category: General

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