News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

APHA Waste Management Study

Posted: 12 April, 2023. Written by Emma

REAL have been liaising with APHA recently regarding the research project described in the paper below, for which they will need to visit various AD sites to collect samples. REAL has offered to assist APHA with identifying suitable sites, as listed in the project summary, and APHA may utilise the BCS guidance on liquid sampling for the sampling procedure.

The project is titled ‘Study of the effect of livestock industry biosecurity and hygiene measures on the occurrence and control of antimicrobial resistance’, and a project summary can be found here.

If you are able to contribute to this research, please contact REAL on by Friday 28th April. REAL will then share your contact details with APHA.