News from the Biofertiliser Certification Scheme

The latest news from the Biofertiliser industry

New Environment Agency Position Statement

Posted: 23 December, 2010. Written by David Collins

EA has decided to extend the Position Statement until 30 September 2011. There is no proposal to include new operators i.e. those who hadn't registered with an appropriate certification scheme before 31 December 2009. Therefore AD produced from a newly commissioned facility will be considered waste until it achieves certification.

EA say that "the proposal is being considered by the Modernising Waste Regulatory Panel and has not been formally accepted as yet. EA will contact BCS once a decision has been made and ready to roll out."

We think that this is a helpful concession by the EA to encourage the take-up of the PAS110 and ADQP. However please note the time limit of 30 September 2011; this means that AD plants which have long retention times and have not already started the PAS10 and ADQP certification process may not make the deadline. Please contact us if you think you are in that situation.